duminică, 27 februarie 2011

Paramore Burger Time!

by Geo

marți, 15 februarie 2011

Z and T: Baby come back 2 me

sâmbătă, 12 februarie 2011

La multi ani,Hayley!

Nu dragilor,nu e vorba de Hayley Nichole Williams.Este vorba despre Hayley Georgiana.

Fac postul acesta *fara voia ei* ca sa-i arat cat de mult o iubesc
Implineste 15 ani azi.


P.S. Sper sa nu te superi :-s


miercuri, 9 februarie 2011

Happy B-Day Jeremy!!

Ieri, 8 februarie, Jeremy a implinit 26 de ani!

LA MULTI ANI!! (cu o mica intarziere)

Pe la 5:40 sunt si eu :) , so enjoy!!

by Geo

vineri, 4 februarie 2011

Novel American part 2

One day after he officially announced the formation of his post-Paramore project Novel American, Josh Farro is already bracing himself for the inevitable backlash.

Even though he's gone to great lengths to remain as diplomatic as possible since posting his now-infamous "Exit Statement," Farro knows that, no matter what he does, some Paramore fans just won't be able to forgive him. And he's at peace with that fact.

"It just kind of happened, and it just felt right, this new band. I prayed a lot about it, and I felt peace about it, so I was like, 'I'm going to do it,' " he told MTV News. "It came totally unexpected. It's probably kind of hard for a lot of fans, like, 'Oh, he's already moving on,' that sort of thing. But it's for the best. Paramore's doing their thing, me and Zac are going to do our things, it's going to be great. ... It's for the best."

So he's moving forward with Novel American, his new band with Nashville locals Van Beasley, Tyler Ward and Ryan Clark. And though, for the time being at least, his plans for the group seem limited — he's mostly enjoying the feeling of reconnecting with music, writing and recording because it'sfun — he's already made it clear that it will most definitely be a democracy, an outfit where everyone has a say, where disagreements are encouraged, where communication is paramount. Or, in other words, he wants Novel American to be everything his former band wasn't.

"I think that's the most important thing, to get things out on the table. It's early on and it's all fun now, but when it becomes a business, and we get tired from touring, then it becomes a big deal," he said. "So we're just trying to prepare ourselves for that, mentally and emotionally. We've had many talks about it, about how it's so important to communicate. ... We definitely don't want to get to a point where we're talking behind people's backs. It's healthy for a band to argue and have a fight every once in a while, but once you stop communicating ... it becomes an issue."

by Geo

miercuri, 2 februarie 2011

Novel American

Josh Farro a terminat de vorbit despre trecut. Acum mai bine vorbeste despre viitor, incepand cu noua lui trupa, Novel American.

"Initial, i-am intalnit pe acesti tipi in liceu- ei sunt mai mari decat mine, iar asta e mare lucru cand esti in liceu, ei erau tot timpul in multimea cool- dar ne-am contactat dupa liceu si ne-am intalnit dupa toata chestia cu Paramore, iar eu eram ceva de genul 'Nu stiu daca mai vreau sa fiu in alta trupa' " a spus Farro pentru MTV News. "Dar i-am sunat pe baieti, ne-am intalnit, am scris, am cantat ceva, a fost minunat si am decis sa facem alta trupa. Si, sincer, eu am avut niste idei care nu se potriveau cu Paramore, si am spus 'Baieti, putem incerca asta' iar lor le-a placut si au fost de acord cu ele. Asa a inceput totul."
Acesti baieti la care se refera Josh sunt Van Beasley, Tyler Ward si Ryan Clark. Unul dintre ei va fi solistul, iar ceilalti vor canta la tobe si la chitara bass, Farro cantand tot la chitara("Nu am vrut niciodata sa cant", a spus el. "Vocea mea- si asta nu este modestie- nu este foarte buna"). Si incepand cu prima repetitie, ei vizeaza sa treaca de limitele pe care le-a avut in Paramore.]
"Sotia mea a gasit numele trupei- noi avand o lista destul de lunga-iar ea a zis: 'Ce zici de Novel American?'. Asta inseamna ceva nou, ceva care nu a mai fost vazut sau auzit pana acum, si cred ca asta ne descrie." a spus Farro. "Dorim sa fim un nou suflu de aer proaspat pe scena muzicii. Toti iubim Jimmy Eat World, asa ca este greu sa nu sunam ca ei, dar aici este cate putin din toate. Suntem mari fani si ai Radiohead, Sigur Rós, Explosions in the Sky...chiar sunt de toate."
" Fanii Paramore nu vor ca asta sa fie o drama. Ei vor doar sa mergem mai departe" a spus el. "Am urmarit Paramore: The Last Word si, stii, cred ca nu suntem de acord cu multe lucruri si asta e OK. Nu cred ca este gresit sa nu fii de acord cu cineva, asa ca, um, le doresc tot binele pe viitor, si chiar nu vreau sa fac o drama imensa din asta deoarece mai tarziu devine un razboi imens si nu vreau sa traiesc cu asta. Sunt mai entuziasmat de viitor si de noua trupa."
"Cred ca 'eliberator' este cuvantul care descrie cum m-am simtit un ultima luna. Venind din Paramore, nu am crezut ca voi mai vrea sa fiu intr-o trupa sau sa am de-a face cu asa ceva, asa ca, dupa ce am descoperit acea pasiune si iubire pentru muzica din nou, mi-am zis 'Wow, asta e minunat' " a declarat Farro.
"Ne simteam parca eram la liceu din nou, eram cu totii foarte zapaciti si inca suntem pentru ca totul este perfect, acea prima repetitie a fost grozava si de atunci suntem in al noualea cer."

by Geo